Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Photographic Gif~ Artist Statement

When creating the photography gif I wanted to create something simplistic in nature and something that everyone can related to. The act of pouring water, and drinking it is something that we experience on a day to day basis. I used the fish bowl as a cup because it adds tension to the narrative, because it is something that is out of sequence from what is considered the normal.  As well I choose to keep the pitcher of water mostly off screen when poured and the cup out of frame when drank to create a sense of ambiguity and tension. My goal was to create a sense of mystery in such a straight forward act.

I took inspiration for the focus from Manuel Fernandez's series Recognition. Where he used a view finder to draw the eye to the object I used the pop of colour in an otherwise black and white image as a focal point.  This helped to create the air of mystery in my gif.

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