Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Hand drawn gif~ Artist Statement

Here it is. My first hand drawn gif.  As you can see it differed from the original idea for the project, and for this there are a few reasons.  One, the idea of the tree growing can be overdone to the point of cliche and I wasn't sure of how to ensure that my gif remained far enough away from the cliche to work with my original concept of a progression of change. The second reason being I struggled to find a way that I could make the gif seem continuous without feeling dis junked.

The goal of this gif was to create a relaxing and soothing experience for the viewer, while leaving them with the impression of a seamless viewing experience. I also wanted to have the gif portray a graphic and cartoonish quality, which with the vibrant colours, and smooth lines I have achieved.  I created the gif by hand drawing in illustrator on a Wacom tablet.  Each component of the image was created by hand which adds to the graphic quality of the image with the simplicity of the shapes used.

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