Tuesday 27 October 2015

Pumpkin Patch~ Glitch by Jessica Barch

When beginning this piece I wanted to create something that had dynamic colour and a shift of movement from the original photograph.  I drew the inspiration of colour and movement from Sabato Visconti's RGB Study #4. The original piece can be found at this link: http://www.sabatobox.com/rgb-study#4.

I also wanted to draw a connection to family and home. The original photo was taken on Thanksgiving and is the centre piece from the family table on Thanksgiving day.  I included 3 different glitches from my experiments to showcase the diverse colours I received when I added code from different images to the code of the original pumpkin photo. The purple colour is my last code experiment, the green was my 5 and the orange was my second. Overall I feel as though I've captured my original concept of family and colour.

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