Wednesday, 28 October 2015

A series of Terms: Exercise 3a

alterity: othernessspecifically :  the quality or state of being radically alien to the conscious self or a particular cultural orientation. (Source)

tableau:: a view or sight that looks like a picture (Source)
                 : a scene that typically shows an event in history or literature and that is created                    on a stage by a group of people who are dressed in costumes and who do not                       speak or move (Source)
                 : a freeze frame

artifice: : dishonest or insincere behaviour or speech that is meant to deceive someone (Source)

re-enactmentreenactment is a restaging or recreation of an earlier event. (Source)
 Monalisa...Lego. Appropriation Art.:

There have been many reenactments of the Mona Lisa. This particular one was done by Malak Sarour and can be found here

Photographic Gif~ Artist Statement

When creating the photography gif I wanted to create something simplistic in nature and something that everyone can related to. The act of pouring water, and drinking it is something that we experience on a day to day basis. I used the fish bowl as a cup because it adds tension to the narrative, because it is something that is out of sequence from what is considered the normal.  As well I choose to keep the pitcher of water mostly off screen when poured and the cup out of frame when drank to create a sense of ambiguity and tension. My goal was to create a sense of mystery in such a straight forward act.

I took inspiration for the focus from Manuel Fernandez's series Recognition. Where he used a view finder to draw the eye to the object I used the pop of colour in an otherwise black and white image as a focal point.  This helped to create the air of mystery in my gif.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Hand drawn gif~ Artist Statement

Here it is. My first hand drawn gif.  As you can see it differed from the original idea for the project, and for this there are a few reasons.  One, the idea of the tree growing can be overdone to the point of cliche and I wasn't sure of how to ensure that my gif remained far enough away from the cliche to work with my original concept of a progression of change. The second reason being I struggled to find a way that I could make the gif seem continuous without feeling dis junked.

The goal of this gif was to create a relaxing and soothing experience for the viewer, while leaving them with the impression of a seamless viewing experience. I also wanted to have the gif portray a graphic and cartoonish quality, which with the vibrant colours, and smooth lines I have achieved.  I created the gif by hand drawing in illustrator on a Wacom tablet.  Each component of the image was created by hand which adds to the graphic quality of the image with the simplicity of the shapes used.

A series of Glitches- Making Pumpkin Patch

The following images are the series of glitches done to create my final glitch "Pumpkin Patch", which can be found in another blog post where I discuss my inspiration for creating the image . I've included these images so you can see the Glitch making process. The original picture was taken by me.

Original Image

Glitch #1- Added coded to the image.

Glitch #2- Added code from a different image.

Glitch #3- Nothing changed. Added additional made up code.

Glitch #4- Deleted coded. Switched back to original colour.

Glitch #5- Added code from a different image (different then glitch #2). Again changed colour.

Pumpkin Patch~ Glitch by Jessica Barch

When beginning this piece I wanted to create something that had dynamic colour and a shift of movement from the original photograph.  I drew the inspiration of colour and movement from Sabato Visconti's RGB Study #4. The original piece can be found at this link:

I also wanted to draw a connection to family and home. The original photo was taken on Thanksgiving and is the centre piece from the family table on Thanksgiving day.  I included 3 different glitches from my experiments to showcase the diverse colours I received when I added code from different images to the code of the original pumpkin photo. The purple colour is my last code experiment, the green was my 5 and the orange was my second. Overall I feel as though I've captured my original concept of family and colour.